Extra Fees & Free Shipping

Below content is the crux of feature setup from merchant POV

You can choose to apply the extra fees under the following conditions:

Total Cart Quantity
Per Item Quantity

This work differently based on Draft/Normal order type. In the normal order type, percentage and free shipping discounts are not available where in Draft support both.

Free Shipping Calculation

When you enable the “Per Item Quantity” option, the ‘free shipping calculation’ option will be displayed. If you enable this option, the free shipping discount will apply to all quantities.

View full details explanation on our helpdesk here

Below content is the crux of feature from customer POV

Draft order

Based on Order type and the slab range you have setup to apply Free shipping and extra fees will be applied on Cart or checkout page to your customers.

For this demo store we have setup quantity as 10 and order type as Normal so you will be able to see the Extra fees on cart page itself when the quantity reached between 10-20.